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Chlamydia: is one of the most common Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) among the United States. It occurs in both men and women and is very easy to spread because it often has no symptoms. However, it is entirely treatable with antibiotics once you know you have it. It is important to get tested regularly because if Chlamydia goes untreated it can become much more serious. It is important to isolate the chances of even receiving chlamydia by always using a condom, and getting tested regularly.



You have to be careful because a lot of times Chlamydia has no symptoms at all. However, if you have had this STD for a while, and did not know, then you may experience specific symptoms depending on if you are a male or female.

Symptoms for females include:

-          Painful urination

-          Lower abdominal pain

-          Bleeding in between periods

-          Vaginal discharge

-          Painful intercourse

-          Itching/burning in your vaginal area

Symptoms for males include:

-          Watery or puss like discharge at the tip of the penis

-          Testicular pain

-          Painful/burning urination

-          Sometimes anal swelling

Book an appointment here if you are experiencing any of these symptoms.


Chlamydia is caused by a bacteria that spreads through vaginal, oral, and anal sex. Mother’s may also pass this along to their newborn if they do not know they have it during pregnancy, causing pneumonia or other illness’ like an eye infection.

When to see the doctor:

You should see the doctor if you are having pain during urination, or if you have discharge from your vagina or penis. If you partner contracts chlamydia and tells you then you should consult the doctor so you can also be put on antibiotics.


Potential Risks:

The people who are most likely to contract Chlamydia are usually under the age of 24, those that have multiple sex partners, and not using protection.


Tests & Healthcare:

Screening and testing for Chlamydia is relatively simple. For women, your doctor will collect a sample of the discharge from your cervix. This can usually be included in your regular pap-smear exam. Or you may go just for the test itself. For men, your doctor will retrieve a sample from the urethra by using a long thin swab to insert into the tip of the penis.



Chlamydia is treated with antibiotics. The STD usually takes one to two weeks to go away after starting the medication. You should refrain from sexual activity until you know that it has gone away so you do not spread it amongst other people. Be sure to let your partner know so they may take immediate action also.

Your doctor may prescribe:

Your doctor will prescribe antibiotics for Chlamydia and it is treated within one to two weeks.



If you have chlamydia and it goes untreated it could lead to infertility, pelvic inflammatory disease, infection to the testicles and prostate and much more. Ask your doctor about all possible complications that come with chlamydia for more information.



The surest way to be chlamydia free is to sustain from all sexual activities. You can also wear condoms every time you are sexually active and limit the number of partners you have. Be sure to get tested routinely.


Online References:


